
Display Artwork as Thumbnail

There are two options for displaying the detached album artwork: Thumbnail or Full. You can changed thisĀ setting in Preferences > General. Check the option “Display as thumbnail” after the “Detach from menu bar” is checked. Note: you can leave the artwork as a thumbnail and view the full controls simply by hovering over the artwork.

Keep Skip Tunes on Top

If you want to keep Skip Tunes on top of all other windows you can do so from the Preferences. This setting can be found in Preferences > General. Check the option “Keep on top of all other windows” after the “Detach from menu bar” is checked.

Display Controls in Menu

There are two options for displaying the Skip Tunes menu bar in OS X. Controls hidden: Controls shown: This setting can be found in Preferences > General. Check the option “Display controls in the menu bar”.   You’re welcome minimalists. Now if we can just get Apple to improve that Spotlight Search icon šŸ˜

Detach the Album Art Window

Q: Is it possible to “detach” the album art window that displays from the menu? I’m interested in having it on my desktop. Yes, absolutely. With Skiptunes it’s a simple option in the settings. DetachĀ options include: Display as thumbnail. Keep on top of all other windows. This optionĀ can be found in Preferences > General.